Machine thermometers in brass length of bonnet 110 mm different executions

Maschinenthermometer aus Aluminium
messingfarben eloxiert
DIN 16181 B/16182 B, Oberteil 110 x 30 mm
Anschluss G ½” oder M 20 x1,5

Machine thermometers in aluminium
brass coloured anodized
DIN 16181 B/16182 B, bonnet 110 x 30 mm
connection G ½” or M 20 x 1,5


0 / + 60° C

0 / + 100° C

0 / + 120° C

0 / + 160° C

0 / + 200° C

Temperature ranges:

0 / + 60° C

0 / + 100° C

0 / + 120° C

0 / + 160° C

0 / + 200° C


Type 157…

Type 158…

Type 159…

Die Thermometer können nach folgenden Einteilungen unterschieden werden.
The thermometers can be divided into the following attributes:

Artikelziffer 1
article digit 1
Artikelziffer 2
article digit 2
Artikelziffer 3
article digit 3
Artikelziffer 4
article digit 4
Artikelziffer 5
article digit 5
Artikelziffer 6
article digit 6
length of bonnet
Taucherlänge: (L1)
length of diver: (L1)
157 = gerade0 = Aluminium/Messing0 = 110 mm0 = 30 mm
158 = Eckform 90°1 = Aluminium/Niro1 = 150 mm1 = 40 mm
159 = Eckform 135°2 = Aluminium/CuNiFe2 = 200 mm2 = 63 mm
15 3 = 100 mm
157 = straight0 = aluminium/brass 4 = 160 mm
158 = angle type 90°1 = aluminium/st. steel 5 = 250 mm
15 9 = angle type 135°2 = aluminium/CuNiFe 6 = 400 mm